社團法人台灣城市引力協會CITY to CITY TAIWAN(CTC TW),是歸屬全球城市植堂事工網絡(CTC Global)亞太區(CTC AP)中的台灣代表。在CTC全球網絡裡的所有教會,均認同發起人-紐約救贖者長老教會牧師提摩太凱勒於Redeemer City to City中所表達有關教會福音DNA的核心概念。
City to City Taiwan (CTC TW) Association
City to City Taiwan (CTC TW) Association is a partner of the City to City Global (CTC Global) Network. All churches within the City to City Global Network follow the Gospel vision of Timothy Keller, founder of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City, and are devoted to the expansion of its Gospel Movement. The vision of this city-wide movement incorporates both the renewal of existing churches as well as the training of church planters to start Gospel-centered churches based upon the Biblical principles of Justice and Mercy, creating an expanding Faith ecosystem that changes the very fabric of a city as it experiences the grace of the Gospel. If you are interested in partnering with us, or have any questions, please contact us.
Get In Touch
我們的異象是要透過培育與陪伴植堂者,協助建立城市中以福音為中心積極參與社會公義並慈惠事工的新教會; 並藉著福音連結既有教會與基督教機構,一起走向健全的信仰生態圈,因而得見各地能建立更多充滿福音的恩典城市。
過去十數年,我們在全球透過各區域夥伴 - 非洲、亞洲、澳洲、北美、拉丁美洲、中東與歐洲,在國際重要城市,參與植堂推動。
